Once your order is placed, we will process it within 2 business days.
You’ll receive a confirmation email with tracking details once your order has shipped.
All products are imported and typically delivered within 12-18 business days.
Delays may occur due to customs clearance, holidays, or unforeseen circumstances.
A flat shipping fee of ₹50 applies to all orders, regardless of location.
Free shipping promotions may apply to eligible orders.
Once your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email.
Currently, we only ship to India.
Contact us immediately if your package is lost or arrives damaged. We will investigate and resolve the issue promptly.
If your order cannot be delivered due to an incorrect address or the recipient being unavailable, it will be returned to us.
In such cases, we will contact you to confirm the address and arrange for reshipping.
Website: Uniqexplore.in
Registered Business Name: AARUSHI
Email: support@uniqexplore.in
Phone: +91 97877 09009
Address: Uniqexplore.in, AARUSHI, Vasantha Road, Cross Street 2, Anna Nagar, Dharapuram, Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, 638656